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Server side implementation of REALITY protocol, a fork of package tls in Go 1.19.5.
For client side, please follow https://github.com/XTLS/Xray-core/blob/main/transport/internet/reality/reality.go.

As an AI language model, I cannot access external links or code repositories, but I can give you some general information about the REALITY protocol and its implementation in Go.

The REALITY protocol is a fork of the TLS protocol that aims to provide additional features and improvements, such as better performance and security. It was developed by the XTLS team, which also created the popular Xray-core proxy software.

The server-side implementation of REALITY in Go is based on the standard TLS package provided by the language. The XTLS team has added some modifications and enhancements to this package to implement the REALITY protocol. These modifications may include changes to the encryption algorithms used, additional network optimization techniques, or other improvements.

One important aspect of the REALITY protocol is that it is designed to work seamlessly with the Xray-core proxy software, which provides additional features and functionalities, such as traffic routing and load balancing. Therefore, if you want to use REALITY in your application, you may also need to use Xray-core or some other compatible proxy software.

Overall, the REALITY protocol and its implementation in Go are examples of the ongoing efforts to improve and optimize network security and performance, especially in the context of proxy servers and other network infrastructure.
